The impact on the ‘deal of the century’ of the measures to impeach Trump

Adnan Abu Amer Middle East Monitor  /  October 8, 2019 The Palestinians and Israelis are following the ongoing constitutional measures to impeach US President Donald Trump with great interest. They want to know what the implications will be for the so-called deal of the century; will, for example, its formal announcement...

It’s still Netanyahu’s Israel

Douglas Gerrard Jacobin  /  September 30, 2019 Over the past decade, Benjamin Netanyahu has remade Israeli politics in his own image. Though his career now hangs by a thread, his legacy of far-right pandering and cold-blooded “management” of Palestinian oppression will live on. Last week, for the second time in six months,...

Secret Israel-Jordan gas deal revealed

Tamara Nassar The Electronic Intifada  /  October 2, 2019 The full text of the Israel-Jordan gas deal has been revealed for the first time since it was signed in September 2016. The Jordanian government has classified the document, but it was leaked to media over the summer by Jordanian lawmaker Saleh al-Armouti. Al-Armouti had earlier disclosed some of...

The international community is complicit in Israel’s torture of Palestinians

Ramona Wadi Middle East Monitor  /  October 1, 2019 The torture suffered by Palestinian prisoner Samer Arabeed at the hands of Israel’s Shin Bet interrogators has proved, once again, that the prohibition of such treatment as enshrined in the Fourth Geneva Convention, the Rome Statute and the UN Convention Against Torture...

The Joint Arab List’s endorsement of Benny Gantz was a mistake

Haidar Eid Al-Jazeera  /  September 24, 2019 Palestinian politicians will not gain anything from supporting a general accused of war crimes to become prime minister. One of the grave consequences of the disastrous Oslo Accords was that it redefined the Palestinian people as only those who live in the occupied West Bank and the...

UN report gives Israel free hand to smear BDS movement

Ali Abunimah The Electronic Intifada  /  October 1, 2019 A new report by a United Nations expert gives Israel and its lobby carte blanche to smear the movement for Palestinian rights as anti-Semitic. Ahmed Shaheed, the UN special rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, issued the report ostensibly focused on anti-Semitism in late...

How Israel lobby set EU anti-Semitism agenda

David Cronin The Electronic Intifada  /  September 30, 2019 For nearly four years, Katharina von Schnurbein has been posing as a champion of Europe’s Jews. If taken at face value, her speeches at numerous conferences suggest she is a conscientious civil servant motivated by a desire to halt persecution. A more detailed...

Backing Benny Gantz won’t help Palestinians

Yara Hawari Foreign Policy  /  September 28, 2019 Palestinian Arab voters are simply used as pawns in Israeli politics. The Joint List’s leaders are naive to think any Israeli prime minister will ever address their concerns. The September 17 do-over Israeli election was all it promised to be—a dramatic showdown between the right...

Trump’s Iran policy: a Q&A with Richard Falk

Legal scholar Richard Falk on Iran, Saudi Arabia, and American interests abroad. Daniel Falcone The Nation  /  September 25, 2019 After accusations of Iranian drone attacks on Saudi oil facilities, Iranian officials and authorities indicated that “full-fledged war” with the United States could be imminent, prompting Aramco, Saudi Arabia’s state oil company,...

My humiliation does not make Israel more secure

Accepted on full scholarship to a graduate program in the United Kingdom, I waited more than six months for Israeli authorities to approve my exit permit, only to be told on the day it was issued that I had five minutes to leave. The 100-mile journey of leaving Gaza...