In fiery speech to Congress, Netanyahu vows ‘total victory’ in Gaza...

Ellen Knickmeyer, Farnoush Amiri & Ashraf Khalil AP  /  July 25, 2024 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress in Washington as he sought to bolster U.S. support for his country’s war in Gaza. WASHINGTON...

Rashida Tlaib: Netanyahu should be sent to The Hague, not addressing...

Sharon Zhang Truthout  /  July 24, 2024 “Make no mistake: this event is a celebration of the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians,” Tlaib said. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan) has said that it is “utterly disgraceful” that...

Netanyahu’s visit to Congress underscores US contempt for international law

Marjorie Cohn Truthout  /  July 24, 2024 Netanyahu is getting cozy with Congress, just days after the ICJ told UN members to stop aiding the Israeli occupation. The U.S. has long ignored many commands of...

Genocide in Gaza and the decline of a flawed world order

Issam Younis Al-Jazeera  /  July 24, 2024 The post-war global system set up to protect great powers’ interests has predictably failed. It is time for a new one. The current state of the world is...

‘Cynical and manipulative’: thousands at DC rally denounce Netanyahu speech

Robert Tait The Guardian  /  July 24, 2024 Police seal off US Capitol in major security operation, using pepper spray on protesters as Israeli prime minister speaks. Thousands of protesters demonstrated around Capitol Hill voicing...

[VIDEO] Netanyahu accuses pro-Palestinian protesters of secret Iranian funding

Al-Jazeera  /  July 24, 2024 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used his speech to the US Congress to accuse pro-Palestinian protesters of being ‘useful idiots’ who receive secret Iranian funding. VIDEO :

Key takeaways from Netanyahu’s speech and the protests outside US Congress

AJ Staff Al-Jazeera  /  July 24, 2024 Protests greeted Israel’s prime minister as he gave his fourth address to Congress amid Israel’s war in Gaza. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has delivered his fourth address to a...

Demonstrators stage mass protest against Netanyahu visit and US military aid...

Ashraf Khalil AP  /  July 24, 2024 WASHINGTON – Protesters against the Gaza war staged a sit-in at a congressional office building Tuesday ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress, with Capitol Police...

A look at Netanyahu’s claims about Israel, Hamas and Iran during...

Laurie Kellman AP  /  July 24, 2024 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday defended his country’s conduct in the devastating Gaza war, urged the U.S. to support the fight against Hamas and ridiculed protesters...

‘Responsible for a genocide’: Jewish-American groups reject Netanyahu visit to US

Violet Barron Middle East Eye  /  July 24, 2024 Public rejection of Netanyahu by mainstream Jewish organizations underlines extent to which Netanyahu has fallen out of favour. As pro-Palestinian groups protest against Benjamin Netanyahu's address to a...

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Mahmoud Darwish & de Palestijnse identiteit

Op 24 november presenteerde het Nederlands Palestina Komitee tijdens een openbare bijeenkomst in Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam de dichtbundel Mahmoud Darwish & de Palestijnse identiteit (55 pagina’s). De geselecteerde gedichten zijn...

Koop geen producten uit Israel !

Israel houdt sinds 1967 de Westelijke Jordaanoever en de Strook van Gaza bezet en maakt het leven van de Palestijnen daar erg zwaar. Zo vallen joodse kolonisten – onder de ogen van Israelische soldaten –...

100 jaar kolonisatie

Tot 1917, rondom de Balfour Declaration waarin door de koloniale mogendheid Groot-Brittannië de vestiging ‘in Palestina van een nationaal tehuis voor het joodse volk’ werd toegezegd, was 2 procent van de grond van...

Kwestie Palestina

De ‘Kwestie Palestina’ verwijst naar de strijd van Palestijnen tegen het zionistische, koloniale project in Palestina, waarbij zionistisch-joodse kolonisten vanaf het eind van de 19e eeuw door middel van kolonisatie stelselmatig toewerken naar het...