Gantz vows Israel will keep West Bank settlement ‘blocs’ and Jordan Valley

Middle East Monitor  /  September 3, 2019 Benny Gantz, chair of the main Israeli opposition alliance Blue and White (Kahol Lavan), declared yesterday that he would not pursue a unilateral withdrawal from occupied West Bank territory. According to the Times of Israel, Gantz made the remarks at a conference held by the...

Speaker of Knesset pledges to extend Israeli sovereignty over Hebron

Middle East Monitor  /  September 6, 2019 Speaker of the Knesset, Yuli Adelstein, pledged to impose Israel’s sovereignty over the city of Hebron (south of the West Bank). He said in comments to the news website 0404: “Hebron’s time has come, and it is time to impose Israeli sovereignty over the city....

Maariv: Israel involved in Yemeni conflict to serve ‘Saudi lover’

Middle East Monitor  /  August 27, 2019 A prominent Israeli commentator revealed that Israel has been intervening in the Yemeni war between the Houthis and other Yemeni forces to serve Saudi interests. Maariv’s security affairs commentator, Ran Edelist, said in an analysis he published on the newspaper’s website on Sunday: “Tel...

Palestinians jailed by Israel refuse food for weeks

Tamara Nassar The Electronic Intifada  /  September 2, 2019 Huthaifa Halabiya hasn’t eaten in more than 60 days. Halabiya, 28, from the Palestinian village of Abu Dis near Jerusalem, has been in Israeli prisons without charge or trial since 10 June 2018. This is his fourth detention since 2013, but the first administrative one. He is one of...

Trump will greenlight West Bank annexation to force Israeli pols to keep Netanyahu as...

Philip Weiss Mondoweiss  /  August 29, 2019 There has been a lot of speculation lately about a grand bargain between Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu as the Israeli elections approach. The theory goes that Trump will wade into Israeli politics to try and give the embattled Netanyahu another term as P.M....

BBC defends claim that Israel is ‘ancestral homeland’ of Palestinians 

Middle East Monitor  /  September 4, 2019 The BBC has had to defend its description of Israel as the “ancestral homeland” of the Palestinian people in response to a complaint by a viewer who criticised a presenter’s version of history as inaccurate. The dispute started after BBC Middle East Correspondent Tom...

Amnesty: Israel Knesset routinely discriminates against Palestinian MKs

Middle East Monitor  /  September 4, 2019 International human rights organisation Amnesty International has slammed the treatment of Arab-Israeli Knesset Members (MKs), accusing the Israeli parliament of routinely discriminating against its Palestinian representatives. Released today, the new report – “Elected but Restricted: Shrinking space for Palestinian parliamentarians in Israel’s Knesset” – argues this...

Revealed: How a secret Dutch mole aided the U.S.-Israeli Stuxnet cyberattack on Iran

Kim Zetter & Huib Modderkolk Yahoo News  /  September 2, 2019 For years, an enduring mystery has surrounded the Stuxnet virus attack that targeted Iran’s nuclear program: How did the U.S. and Israel get their malware onto computer systems at the highly secured uranium-enrichment plant? The first-of-its-kind virus, designed to sabotage Iran’s...

The decades-old war on Palestinian workers

Palestinian workers have faced decades of abuse and marginalisation by Israel, Arab regimes and the PA. Ramzy Baroud Al Jazeera  /  August 23, 2019 Over the past month, the Lebanese authorities have unleashed a brutal crackdown on Palestinian workers. In June, Lebanese Minister of Labour Kamil Abu Sleiman decreed that Palestinian refugees...

Gaza – casualties in the context of demonstrations and hostilities

March 30, 2018 – July 31, 2019 OCHA  /  August 31, 2019 Overview Since the 30 March 2018, the Gaza Strip has witnessed a significant increase in Palestinian casualties resulting from the start of the Great March of Return demonstrations. In addition other activities along Israel’s perimeter fence have resulted in increased...