Religiously inspired colonial nationalism feeds Israel’s wars

Rod Such The Electronic Intifada  /  August 14, 2019  War over Peace: One Hundred Years of Israel’s Militaristic Nationalism by Uri Ben-Eliezer, University of California Press (2019) War over Peace, by the Israeli sociologist Uri Ben-Eliezer, raises several questions about the nature of Israeli society, chief among them being: Why has Israel attempted...

UN religious freedom monitor working with Israel lobby

Ali Abunimah The Electronic Intifada  /  August 13, 2019 The United Nations expert charged with monitoring religious freedom around the world is being accused of ignoring Israel’s systematic violations of the rights of Palestinians to observe their faith. Ahmed Shaheed, the UN special rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, is also...

Leaked report accuses top UNRWA Officials of misconduct, mismanagement and worse

Ian Williams Washington Report on Middle East Affairs  /  August-September 2019 Early in June, a file landed on my desk. It was a devastating exposé of the top management of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), the agency that, since 1948, has...

Israeli politician Ehud Barak often crashed at Epstein apartment building, neighbours say Emily Shugeman

Residents of a building owned by Jeffrey Epstein’s brother say the former Israeli prime minister was a frequent guest when he was in New York. Emily Shugeman The Daily Beast  /  August 6, 2019 The residents of 301 East 66th St. always knew Ehud Barak was there by the flashy cars parked outside and...

Dangerous bill in Congress to crush the PLO and PA

Zaha Hassan Al-Shabaka  /  August 13, 2019 A bipartisan US bill currently being considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee puts at stake the ability of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to engage diplomatic and legal channels to support Palestinian national aspirations and to seek accountability through international mechanisms, as well as...

‘Using the Lord’s name in vain’: Evangelicals chafe at Trump’s blasphemy

Gabby Orr POLITICO  /  August 12, 2019 A Trump-supporting West Virginia state senator who represents many evangelicals got three phone calls from constituents complaining about Trump’s profanity after a recent rally. Paul Hardesty didn’t pay much attention to President Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Greenville, N.C., last month until a third concerned...

Al-Aqsa, the site that cuts to the heart of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict

Why are clashes so common around the Haram Al Sharif? The National  /  August 11, 2019 Clashes have again flared up around Al-Aqsa mosque compound with police using sound grenades to disperse Palestinian protesters on Sunday. But the site has a long and complex history that gets to the heart of the...

VIDEO – Patient Gaza: water under siege

Oxfam International  /  August 9, 2019 In Gaza, 97% of all water is undrinkable, leaving almost 2 million Palestinians without any safe water to drink. Even the sea surrounding Gaza is contaminated, as millions of liters of raw sewage spill into it each day. More than a quarter of all reported...

VIDEO – New Israeli military strategies for annexation and undermining Palestinian identity

The Real News Network  /  August 8, 2019 Shir Hever discusses two new Israeli military strategies, presented by Israeli chief of staff Aviv Kochavi, who calls for a more deadly invasion of Gaza, and former general Yossi Kuperwasser's plan of “changing the Palestinian narrative” in order to annex Palestinian land https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEbZTfEVNYY   Story...

From heat waves to ‘eco-apartheid’ – Climate change in Israel-Palestine

Matan Kaminer, Basma Fahoum & Edo Konrad +972 Magazine  /  August 8, 2019 While Israel's nascent climate justice movement tries to get the public's attention, Palestinians under occupation remain the most vulnerable to the dangerous effects of climate change. Due to the existing power imbalance, however, working together to combat it...