Ehud Barak and the death wish of the Israeli [zionist] left

Yossi Gurvitz Mondoweiss  /  August 19, 2019 Let’s begin with a disclaimer: There are few people I actually hate. Oh, I despise quite a large number of politicians, and some of them I even loathe. Hate, though, is much more personal. I hate Ehud Barak with a passion. And therefore, the fact...

Palestinian Authority bans LGBT group, calls for repression

europe-solidaire.org  /  August 18, 2019 We publish the response of the alQaws Palestinian LGBT group to the latest repressive moves by the Palestinian Authority, as well as their warning about Israeli “pinkwashing” of the crisis. Al-Qaws response to PA police statement On Saturday, August 17th, the spokesperson for the Palestinian Authority...

What occupation looks like for Rashida Tlaib’s village in the West Bank

Forty years of land grabs, settlement expansion, and the building of a highway that is off limits to Palestinians. This is what is happening to Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib’s village. Dror Etkes +972 Magazine  /  August 18, 2019 The West Bank village of Beit Ur al-Fauqa made headlines over the weekend, after Democratic...

Ilhan Omar lays out Israel’s crimes

Ali Abunimah The Electronic Intifada  /  August16, 2019 In a series of Tweets on Friday remarkable for their clarity and honesty, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has laid out Israel’s crimes and abuses of Palestinians. On Thursday, Israel confirmed that it would bar Omar and fellow Democratic lawmaker Rashida Tlaib from traveling on a congressional delegation to Israel and the...

This is a new low – Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar entry to Israel/Palestine...

When Trump encouraged Israel to bar Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, he set another stunningly awful precedent. John Nichols The Nation  /  August 15, 2019 The Israeli government’s decision to bar elected members of the United States Congress from entering Israel and the West Bank is bad enough. But Donald Trump’s cheerleading for the...

Religiously inspired colonial nationalism feeds Israel’s wars

Rod Such The Electronic Intifada  /  August 14, 2019  War over Peace: One Hundred Years of Israel’s Militaristic Nationalism by Uri Ben-Eliezer, University of California Press (2019) War over Peace, by the Israeli sociologist Uri Ben-Eliezer, raises several questions about the nature of Israeli society, chief among them being: Why has Israel attempted...

UN religious freedom monitor working with Israel lobby

Ali Abunimah The Electronic Intifada  /  August 13, 2019 The United Nations expert charged with monitoring religious freedom around the world is being accused of ignoring Israel’s systematic violations of the rights of Palestinians to observe their faith. Ahmed Shaheed, the UN special rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, is also...

Leaked report accuses top UNRWA Officials of misconduct, mismanagement and worse

Ian Williams Washington Report on Middle East Affairs  /  August-September 2019 Early in June, a file landed on my desk. It was a devastating exposé of the top management of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), the agency that, since 1948, has...

Israeli politician Ehud Barak often crashed at Epstein apartment building, neighbours say Emily Shugeman

Residents of a building owned by Jeffrey Epstein’s brother say the former Israeli prime minister was a frequent guest when he was in New York. Emily Shugeman The Daily Beast  /  August 6, 2019 The residents of 301 East 66th St. always knew Ehud Barak was there by the flashy cars parked outside and...

Dangerous bill in Congress to crush the PLO and PA

Zaha Hassan Al-Shabaka  /  August 13, 2019 A bipartisan US bill currently being considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee puts at stake the ability of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to engage diplomatic and legal channels to support Palestinian national aspirations and to seek accountability through international mechanisms, as well as...