I Accuse! – herewith a proof beyond reasonable doubt the ICC Chief Prosecutor Fatou...

Norman G. Finkelstein I Accuse!; OR Books (New York); 208 pages (to be published) From the publisher: This finely-honed indictment by a writer widely acknowledged for his forensic skills is directed at Fatou Bensouda, the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. It sets out how she defiled her office by refusing...

Israel to build camps as preparation for displacing Bedouin citizens

Middle East Monitor  /  October 8, 2019 Israel’s District Planning and Building Committee considered a plan on Sunday submitted by the Bedouin Settlement Authority in the Negev which aims to build camps as preparation for the displacement of 36,000 Palestinian Bedouin citizens, Arab48.com has reported. The plan targets Bedouin residents within Israel...

Condemnations of “hilltop youth” ring hollow

Maureen Clare Murphy The Electronic Intifada  /  October 24, 2019 Israel’s military brass is complaining that its activities in the West Bank are too often aimed toward the benefit of settlers rather than “security considerations,” as though the army and settlement movement’s interests weren’t one and the same. In a story published recently by...

No hope, no future, only revenge

Hamza Abu Eltarabesh The Electronic Intifada  /  October 24, 2019 It had been a month since Ala Abu Saleh, 23, last set foot in her brother Hani’s room. When she finally did – during September – it brought memories flooding back. As she started organizing his clothes in a modest closet, she...

The EU and the [so-called] Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process in a Post-Mogherini Era

Grace Wermenbol Carnegie Endowment for International Peace  /  October 3, 2019 Under the leadership of Josep Borrell, the newly-nominated High Representative of the European Union, the EU will continue its reactionary political approach to the Middle East peace process. Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell, who is in line to replace Federica Mogherini as High...

The Bedouin Authority plans to place displaced Bedouins in transitional camps

Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality  /  October 10, 2019 According to the official explanation of plans 624-0765792 and 652-0767921 “Temporary Housing Solutions and Public Buildings for the Bedouin Population in the Negev” proffered on the Israeli Planning Administration’s website, the purpose of the plan is: “to provide temporary housing solutions for Bedouin populations presently...

UN expert calls for ban on Israeli products from settlements

Edith Lederer AP  /  October 23, 2019 UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. independent expert on human rights in the Palestinian territories called Wednesday for an international ban on all products made in Israeli settlements as a step to potentially end Israel’s 52-year “illegal occupation.” Michael Lynk told the General Assembly’s human rights...

Gaza’s private sector operating at 15% production capacity due to siege

Middle East Monitor  /  October 25, 2019 The head of the Palestinian Businessmen Association, Ali al-Hayek, said that the private sector in Gaza is operating at a production capacity of no less than 15% due to the continued division and siege. The bad conditions in Gaza are still affecting the economy,...

Americans overwhelmingly reject anti-BDS laws, poll finds

Ali Abunimah The Electronic Intifada  /  October 23, 2019 Americans overwhelmingly reject laws designed to penalize supporters of BDS – the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement for Palestinian rights, according to a new poll. More than 70 percent of respondents oppose laws that target BDS activism as an infringement on the constitutional right...

Israeli leaks disrupt setting up naval force in Gulf

Middle East Monitor  /  October 24, 2019 The US administration has criticised leaks by Israeli officials about Tel Aviv’s partnership in a naval force being set up to protect vessels in the Gulf waters, Ma’an reported yesterday. Monitors said the leaks caused problems because many Gulf states do not want to disclose...