VIDEO – 2020 presidential candidates’ views on Israel

July 16, 2019 The New York Times videotaped 21 presidential candidates’ responses to the question: “Do you think Israel meets international standards of human rights?” https://youtu.be/UnlXLvFB12s  

In East Jerusalem, nightly raids leave Palestinian neighbourhood reeling

Aviv Tatarsky +972 magazine  /  August 4, 2019 For the past six weeks, Israel has been sending paramilitary police forces to raid the East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Issawiya every evening. The raids, a severe form of collective punishment, have left one young Palestinian dead and hundreds wounded. It’s 5:30 p.m. and some 10 large...

Plans advanced for more than 2,300 Israeli settlement homes in West Bank

NGO Peace Now condemns the move as designed to 'prevent the possibility of peace and a two-state solution' Middle East Eye  /  August 6, 2019 Israel's defence ministry has approved plans for more than 2,300 settlement homes in the occupied West Bank, an NGO said on Tuesday. The ministry's planning committee issued...

Netanyahu’s party steps up tactics to suppress Palestinian voters before election

Likud is doubling its budget for surveillance of polling stations Miriam Berger The National  /  August 6, 2019 Israel’s ruling party is ramping up its rhetoric and tactics intended to suppress Palestinian voters before the September election, Israeli civil rights groups have said. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party is doubling its budget for...

The meaning of Israel’s massive housing demolitions in East Jerusalem

Destruction at this scale and visibility cannot be understood without grasping its political message; in fact, the scale and visibility are the message. Jeff Halper The Nation  /  August 5, 2019 The act itself wasn’t unusual. Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes is a routine, almost daily occurrence. What set it apart was the scale,...

VIDEO – debate: anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=K1VTt_THL4A Mehdi Hasan of The Intercept and the Israeli historian Ilan Pappé go head to head with Times columnist Melanie Phillips and Israeli former Member of the Knesset Einat Wilf. Intelligencesquared.com /  June 2019 Is there a country in the world that attracts so much criticism as Israel? Studies consistently show Israel...

How BDS became such a big deal in American politics

+972 Magazine /  August 2, 2019  Republicans are trying to criminalize boycotts of Israel, part of a broad push to delegitimize any criticism or pressure on Israel. By not unconditionally defending the right to boycott anything or anyone, Democrats are falling into a dangerous trap. The United States’ approach to...

EU now funds Israel’s war ministry

David Cronin The Electronic Intifada /   August 2, 2019 The European Union is financing Israeli bodies that oversee home demolitions and other crimes against the Palestinian people. Two years ago, Benjamin Netanyahu was heard complaining that the European Union was “crazy” for attaching “political conditions” to its relations with Israel. By the prime minister’s...

How Boris Johnson’s government could lead the UK into war with Iran

A new cabinet of the disgraced and the dysfunctional is wedded to foreign policy fantasies. Paul Mason New Statesman  /  July 24, 2019 Since 2015, when the Conservatives inserted the phrase into that year’s defence review, Britain’s security strategy has been to achieve “global reach”. Confused and hubristic at the conceptual level, the...

Bassam Shakaa: The Making of a Palestinian ‘Organic Intellectual’

Ramzy Baroud CounterPunch  /  July 30, 2019 It would be unfair to claim that Palestine has not produced great leaders. It has, and Bassam Shakaa, the former Mayor of Nablus, who passed away on July 22 at the age of 89, was living proof of this. The supposed deficit in good Palestinian...