
VIDEO – debate: anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=K1VTt_THL4A Mehdi Hasan of The Intercept and the Israeli historian Ilan Pappé go head to head with Times columnist Melanie Phillips and Israeli former Member of the Knesset Einat Wilf. Intelligencesquared.com /  June 2019 Is there a country in the world that attracts so much criticism as Israel? Studies consistently show Israel...

How BDS became such a big deal in American politics

+972 Magazine /  August 2, 2019  Republicans are trying to criminalize boycotts of Israel, part of a broad push to delegitimize any criticism or pressure on Israel. By not unconditionally defending the right to boycott anything or anyone, Democrats are falling into a dangerous trap. The United States’ approach to...

EU now funds Israel’s war ministry

David Cronin The Electronic Intifada /   August 2, 2019 The European Union is financing Israeli bodies that oversee home demolitions and other crimes against the Palestinian people. Two years ago, Benjamin Netanyahu was heard complaining that the European Union was “crazy” for attaching “political conditions” to its relations with Israel. By the prime minister’s...

How Boris Johnson’s government could lead the UK into war with Iran

A new cabinet of the disgraced and the dysfunctional is wedded to foreign policy fantasies. Paul Mason New Statesman  /  July 24, 2019 Since 2015, when the Conservatives inserted the phrase into that year’s defence review, Britain’s security strategy has been to achieve “global reach”. Confused and hubristic at the conceptual level, the...

Bassam Shakaa: The Making of a Palestinian ‘Organic Intellectual’

Ramzy Baroud CounterPunch  /  July 30, 2019 It would be unfair to claim that Palestine has not produced great leaders. It has, and Bassam Shakaa, the former Mayor of Nablus, who passed away on July 22 at the age of 89, was living proof of this. The supposed deficit in good Palestinian...

With criticism crushed in the West, Israel can enjoy its impunity 

Jonathan Cook CounterPunch  /  July 31, 2019 Recent events have shone a spotlight not only on how Israel is intensifying its abuse of Palestinians under its rule, but the utterly depraved complicity of western governments in its actions. The arrival of Donald Trump in the White House two-and-a-half years ago has emboldened...

Progressive Democrats vote against Palestinian rights

  Ali Abunimah The Electronic Intifada  /  July 30, 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSi3hqnY2u8 I appeared on Pushback, Aaron Maté’s new show at The Grayzone to talk about the vote in Congress last week to condemn BDS – the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement for Palestinian rights. Many were disappointed that among the 398 representatives who backed the bill were several...

Why Americans should support BDS

Inspired by the civil rights and anti-apartheid movements, it calls for Palestinian liberation on terms of full equality with Israelis and categorically opposes all forms of racism, including anti-Semitism. Omar Barghouti The Nation  /  July 29, 2019 Last Tuesday, the House of Representatives passed a resolution, H.Res, 246, targeting the grassroots, global Boycott,...

PA’s Mahmoud Abbas declares suspension of all deals with Israel 

Palestinian president says committee will be formed to end agreements with Israel but does not provide further details . Al-Jazeera  /  July 26, 2019 Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority (PA), has announced the suspension of all agreements signed with Israel. The 84-year-old's declaration on Thursday came after an emergency meeting of the Palestine...

What will Palestine be like in 2048 ? Writers turn to sci-fi for the...

Science fiction books A new anthology collects 12 authors’ visions of life in the region in 2048 – providing a liberating change for some Alison Flood The Guardian  /  July 25, 2019 Twelve acclaimed Palestinian writers have imagined what their country might look like in 2048, 100 years after the Nakba saw more than 700,000...