Next up, a Saudi embassy in Jerusalem

Asa Winstanley Middle East Monitor  /  August 28, 2019 It is open season for Arab normalisation with Israel. The brutal absolutist monarchies which rule in the Arab Gulf countries have increasingly found common cause with Israel in recent years. And this sickening mutual appreciation society for oppressors is only getting more...

The Saudi Axis and Israel’s drone war on the Shiite Crescent

Juan Cole Informed Comment  /  August 29, 2019 Ann Arbor – In the past week, Linah al-Saafin at Al-Jazeera English points out, an Israeli drone hit a Hizbullah target in Lebanon, Israeli fighter jets bombed a base in Syria with Iranian personnel, and Israel somehow hit bases of a Shiite militia in...

Why do people emigrate from the Gaza Strip?

Motasem A Dalloul Middle East Monitor  /  August 27, 2019 A Palestinian pharmacist from the Gaza Strip, Tamer Al-Sultan, 38, passed away last week in a hospital in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where he was admitted after catching a disease believed to be caused by a sting or insect bite. He was...

PA slams US State Department for removing it from country list

Middle East Monitor  /  August 27, 2019 The Palestinian Authority (PA) has slammed the US State Department for removing it from its online list of countries, saying the move constitutes yet more evidence of the US’ alignment with the Israeli right-wing. Previously the State Department website featured the “Palestinian Territories” under...

A meeting between Israel’s army chief and a Palestinian millionaire reflects the PA’s loss...

Adnan Abu Amer Middle East Monitor  /  July 29, 2019 Official Palestinian-Israeli relations have been put on hold since 2014, but this didn’t stop Israel’s Chief of General Staff, Lieutenant General Aviv Kochavi, from having a secret meeting with Palestinian millionaire Bashar Al-Masri in May. The two met in Ramallah and...

How the US media demonizes Iran 

Lesson 1: When the missile is American, use the passive voice. Serge Halimi & Pierre Rimbert The Nation  /  August 19, 2019 Imagine an Iranian drone had been shot down over Florida or just off its coast. Rather than arguing about its exact position, we would surely be shocked at its presence almost 7,000...

Naar Israel en terug in 36 uur

Elias Abdullah MO* - Mondiaal Nieuws  /  22 augustus 2019 Elias Abdullah — Zoon van een Iraakse vader en Belgische moeder. Studeerde Arabistiek en Islamkunde en is gepassioneerd door het Midden-Oosten. Werkt momenteel als vrijwillig vertaler met migranten op Samos. 26 juni 2019, ik vertrek ‘s ochtends vroeg vanuit Zaventem naar Tel Aviv. Eindelijk...

PA rescinds ban on LGBTQ group after protests

Jaclynn Ashly The Electronic Intifada  /  August 27, 2019 The Palestinian Authority has rescinded a ban on a gay and transgender advocacy group that caused outrage among human rights organizations and fear among some of its members and after a huge backlash. But rights groups say the PA must go further then...

Israel, Iran and Lebanon send warnings after drones downed and air strikes

Israel says Iran has 'no immunity,' Iran denies strike and Lebanon warns of 'new aggression' The Middle East Eye  /  August 24, 2019 Israeli air strikes in Syria and the downing of drones over Beirut set off a volley of warnings and denials between Israel, Iran and Lebanon on Sunday. The Lebanese...

Israel’s ban on Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar backfires

Marjorie Cohn Truthout  /  August 24, 2019 During Congress’s August recess, a group of 41 Democratic and 31 Republican congress members travelled to Israel on a delegation sponsored by American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). AIPAC subsidizes congressional trips to Israel in order to further the “special relationship” between Israel and...