UN begins follow-up examination ahead of possible listing of Israeli forces for violations against...

Middle East Monitor  /  November 1, 2019 United Nations investigators have recently undertaken the initial stages of “special examination” ahead of the potential listing of the Israeli military on a ‘list of shame’ of armed forces guilty of grave violations against children The Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict...

Fatah and Hamas agree to elections – but many obstacles remain

Isabel Marques da Silva euronews.com  /  October 31, 2019 The Palestinian Authority welcomed the decision by Gaza's Hamas rulers to participate in an all-Palestinian election. The move was widely seen as a potentially significant step that could help end a 12-year rift with the rival Fatah Party that rules in the West...

Panic over BDS reaches fever pitch

Barry Trachtenberg The Electronic Intifada  /  October 30, 2019 The Czech parliament’s decision to pass a resolution condemning the Palestinian-led boycott, divestment and sanctions movement as anti-Semitic last week is only the most recent example of how the panic over BDS has reached a fever pitch. This latest round of attempts to stop public...

This is not how you show solidarity

David M. Perry The Nation  /  October 31, 2019 Ilhan Omar’s commitment to principle is one of her great strengths, but declining to recognize the Armenian Genocide is an unforced error. The House of Representatives on Monday overwhelmingly voted to recognize the mass killing of Armenians by the Turkish government in 1915 and 1916...

There will be a One-State Solution – but what kind of state will it...

Yousef Munayyer Foreign Affairs  /  November-December 2019 For nearly three decades, the so-called two-state solution has dominated discussions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But the idea of two states for two peoples in the territory both occupy was always an illusion, and in recent years, reality has set in. The two-state solution...

Why is EU citizens’ watchdog shielding Israel from scrutiny ?

David Cronin The Electronic Intifada  /  October 28, 2019 An unwritten rule for Irish emigrants is that we must don the green jersey. The rule does not really relate to clothing; the jersey is rather a metaphor for how we are supposed to behave. Whatever differences of opinion we had at home are assumed...

Norway’s capital says it won’t buy Israeli settlement goods

Ali Abunimah The Electronic Intifada  /  October 28, 2019 Norway’s capital is banning goods and services from Israeli settlements from public contracts. The ban on purchases from Israel’s colonies on occupied Palestinian land is contained in the platform of the Oslo city council’s new ruling coalition. In their 2019-2023 plan, the Socialist Left, Green...

Israel’s ongoing war against human rights defenders

Ben Jamal Open Democracy  /  October 28, 2019 Through suppressing those who criticise its human rights record, Israel is proving that it is not a liberal democracy. Recently, Israel announced that it intends to revoke the residency rights of Omar Barghouti – a Palestinian human rights defender and co-founder of the global Boycott, Divestment...

“Silenced net: The chilling effect among Palestinian Youth in social media”

7amleh  /  October 20, 2019 According to a new research report, “Silenced Net: The Chilling Effect among Palestinian Youth in Social Media,” the current legal, political and social environment is having a significant impact on the political activity of Palestinian youth on the internet. According to a new research report, “Silenced...

The ethnic cleansing of Palestinian Christians that nobody is talking about

Ramzy Baroud Middle East Monitor  /  October 29, 2019 Palestine’s Christian population is dwindling at an alarming rate. The world’s most ancient Christian community is moving elsewhere. And the reason for this is Israel. Christian leaders from Palestine and South Africa sounded the alarm at a conference in Johannesburg on October 15. Their gathering...