75,000 Gaza families to receive Qatar aid

Middle East Monitor  /  December 23, 2019 Qatar’s Ambassador Mohammed Al Emadi today announced that the monthly payment for 75,000 Palestinian families in Gaza will be distributed tomorrow. In a statement published on the website of the Qatari Committee for the Reconstruction of the Gaza Strip the ambassador said that the...

Swiss government resumes UNRWA funding

Middle East Monitor  /  December 23, 2019 The Swiss Foreign Ministry has lifted its five-month freeze on payments to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). The temporary suspension in July by Switzerland and the Netherlands was in response to an investigation by the Office of Internal...

Israel claims ICC has no jurisdiction over occupied Palestinian territories

Middle East Monitor  /  December 21, 2019 Israeli attorney general, Avichai Mendelblit, on Friday published a legal opinion claiming that that the “Palestinian actions with respect to the court are legally invalid,” Israeli media reports. On Friday, the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, announced: I am satisfied that… war crimes have been or are...

More than 400 Israeli settlers raided Al-Aqsa Mosque last week

Middle East Monitor  /  December 21, 2019 Protected by the Israeli occupation police, 407 Israeli settlers raided Al-Aqsa mosque last week, Palestine Information Centre reported on Friday. Since 2003, the Israeli occupation police have been allowing and protecting Israeli settlers to raid Al-Aqsa mosque daily, with the exception of Fridays and Saturdays,...

Israeli officials ‘fear war crimes arrests’ after ICC decision

The National  /  December 22, 2019 The court's ruling to move forward with a potential investigation could open up government officials and generals to prosecution. Israeli officials are increasingly worried about the potential for global arrest warrants that could be issued in relation to war crimes after the International Criminal Court...

Israel plans to further restrict Palestinian construction in West Bank

Middle East Monitor  /  December 20, 2019 The Israeli government is working to further clamp down on already restricted Palestinian construction in so-called “Area C” of the occupied West Bank, reported Israel Hayom. The paper reported that Defence Minister Naftali Bennett is working to fight Palestinian development in the region of the...

Israel’s Netanyahu: We’ll annex entire Jordan Valley with US support

Middle East Monitor  /  December 20, 2019 Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday pledged to secure the United States’ support to annex the Jordan Valley and illegal settlements built in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. Speaking during a visit to the Israeli settlement of Mitzpe Yeriho near Jericho, Netanyahu...

US envoy to UN slams resolution on illegality of Israel settlements 

Middle East Monitor  /  December 20, 2019 The US Ambassador to the United Nations Security Council, Kelly Craft on Wednesday slammed United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 issued in 2016, which demands Israel immediately halt settlement activity in the occupied Palestinian territories including East Jerusalem. Speaking at the Security Council headquarters...

Addameer: ​​Israel covering up torture in prison

Middle East Monitor  /  December 20, 2019 Addameer (Arabic for conscience) Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association condemned the statement issued by the Israeli Public Security Agency (Shabak or Shin Bet) on Wednesday, regarding “the files of several prisoners who were subjected to brutal investigation and torture in the Israeli...

Israel cuts electricity supply to West Bank over debts

Middle East Monitor  /  December 19, 2019 Several cities in the occupied West Bank, including Ramallah and Bethlehem, are suffering from power cuts as a result of Israel’s state-owned electric company cutting supplies. Israel Electric Corp (IEC) has put in place daily power cuts which last three hours since Sunday, according...