Report: Germany looking for new way to deal with Israel [Ben-Gvir: ‘The Germans are the last to preach’]

Middle East Monitor  /  March 2, 2023

Germany is looking for a new and appropriate way to deal with Israel after the rise of the extreme right in the occupation state, Der Spiegel magazine said.

The German magazine said differences between Berlin and Tel Aviv were evident during the visit of Israeli Foreign Minister, Eli Cohen, to Berlin this week when his German counterpart, Annalena Baerbock, clearly expressed “concern” about the growing violence in the occupied West Bank. Baerbock  expressed concern about Israel’s planned judicial overhaul, as well as plans to impose the death penalty against Palestinian prisoners.

Although the German politicians are keen to confirm their country’s “partnership” with Israel, the German magazine described the partnership as “problematic”, and even described the Israeli foreign minister as a “problematic partner”.

“It is clear that German efforts are still continuing in order to find a new formula for dealing with the new Netanyahu government. The Israeli foreign minister’s visit to Germany revealed the depth of the existing dispute, and that differences in viewpoints are no longer limited to the death penalty issue, which Israel wants to impose on the Palestinians, but also includes many other areas,” the magazine said.

Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir criticized Baerbock’s statements saying: “This law of executing terrorists is the talk of the hour! The Germans are the last to preach.”