Palestinian citizens of Israel protest rising community crime

Middle East Monitor  /  July 15, 2023

Tens of Palestinians in Israel took to the streets following Friday prayer to protest against the rising crime rate in their community, Quds Press reported.

Palestinians blame Israeli occupation authorities, namely the Israeli police, for not taking action to fight the increasing crime.

The protesters from Um al-Fahm, Wai Ara, Tamra and other areas raised posters displaying: “The blood of Arabs [Palestinians] is not cheap.”

During the protest, they also chanted against the police, accusing them of being complicit with the criminals.

Arabs continue their protests as per the decision of the High Follow-Up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel, which approved a series of activities aimed at pressuring the Israeli government to take action against crime among Palestinians.

It is worth noting that 116 Palestinians have been killed in Israel since the start of 2023, compared to 109 in 2022 and 111 in 2021.