maandag 24 maart ‘Images of Resistance’ film screening- Pakhuis de Zwijger

The question ‘what does resistance look like?’ can have many answers, but the answer is undoubtedly shaped by images and examples of the past. In this event filmmakers and activists Yara Yuri Safadi, Laleh Al Marjani and Zehra Eekhout reflect on their image of resistance and how this shapes their activism today. To guide the discussion, we will watch two documentary films about resistance in the context of Lebanon and Palestine: ‘Children of Shatila’ (1998) by Mai Masri and ‘Burst Out’ (2023) by Zehra Eekhout. Hopefully this night can refuel our (image of) resistance.

datum: 24 maart

plaats: Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam

aanvang: 19:30 uur

toegang: gratis

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