Israel launches arrest campaign in occupied West Bank

Middle East Monitor  /  May 18, 2022

Israeli occupation forces launched an arrest campaign with raids and attacks in various parts of the occupied West Bank at dawn today, while also besieging Jenin refugee camp, where intermittent clashes were witnessed. According to the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club, 17 Palestinians were arrested.

A spokesman for the occupation army, however, said that its troops had arrested 14 Palestinians across the West Bank, as well as four Hamas activists on the pretext of managing the activities of the Islamic bloc at Bir Zeit University. A number of released prisoners are among those arrested.

The Israeli troops came under fire when they stormed into Jenin. They surrounded a number of houses in Al-Hadaf neighbourhood. Occupation army units were deployed in front of the Governmental Hospital and Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin and surrounded the refugee camp.

During their searches, soldiers tampered with the contents of Palestinian homes and destroyed property.