The demolitions in Wadi al-Humos (East Jerusalem): the excuse – security, the strategy – a...

B’Tselem Press release  /  July 23, 2019 This morning, Monday, July 22, 2019, the Israeli authorities began demolishing buildings in the neighbourhood of Wadi al-Humos, the eastern extension of Zur Baher in East Jerusalem. The move came after the Israeli Supreme Court rejected the residents’ appeal and ruled there was...

The transpartisan revolt against America’s endless wars

Katrina vanden Heuvel The Nation  /  July 16, 2019 Last week, mostly lost amid the deafening din of President Trump’s serial outrages, the House of Representatives finally began asserting common sense and the congressional prerogative over war and peace. By passing a series of amendments to the must-pass National Defense Authorization...

Palestinians do not trust the US, survey finds

Miriam Berger The National  /  July 4, 2019 The survey followed the US-led Bahrain economic conference last month, and also saw support rise for President Mahmoud Abbas Nine out of 10 Palestinians do not trust the US, a poll released on Wednesday by the Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research suggests. The...

Israel fights to reinstate Palestinian poet’s conviction

Oren Ziv +972 Magazine  /  July 18, 2019 Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour sat in prison for a poem she published on Facebook. After an Israeli court ruled that the poem does not constitute incitement to violence, the prosecution is now appealing the partial reversal of her conviction. Israel’s state prosecution is trying to appeal the partial reversal of the...

Don’t wait for Israeli archives to prove what Palestinians already know

Amjad Iraqi +972 Magazine  /   July 7, 2019 Israeli authorities are deliberately concealing historical documents to undermine evidence of the state’s dark and violent origins. And the world is still falling for it. The village of Safsaf (“willow” in Arabic) appears on page 490 of the newest edition of Walid Khalidi’s All That Remains,...

Benjamin Netanyahu to decide on allowing US Congresswomen entry for occupation tour

Democratic US Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib have both been critical of Israeli policy The National  /  July 18, 2019 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is to make the final decision on whether to allow two US Congresswomen critical of the country entry for a tour of the occupied West...

Iran is not the aggressor – the U.S. is

If a war breaks out, it won’t be because the Trump administration “bumbled” into one. Khury Petersen-Smith Foreign Policy in Focus  /  July 15, 2019. It’s easy to be confused about what’s happening between the U.S. and Iran. On July 10, President Trump again accused Iran of violating the Obama-era nuclear deal, in a tweet...

Threat of demolitions in East Jerusalem

Houses to be demolished in Sur Bahir because of proximity to the Barrier OCHA  /  July 9, 2019 United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs  Sur Bahir (pop. 24,000) is a Palestinian neighbourhood in the south east of Jerusalem. Most of Sur Bahir is located within the unilaterally-annexed East Jerusalem...

Israel lobby groups hatch plan to divide the left

Ali Abunimah The Electronic Intifada  /  July 15, 2019 Influential Israel lobby groups are offering “rules” for how Jewish communal organizations can divide the left and break up emerging intersectional coalitions. They also advocate for “delegitimizing” Jews deemed too supportive of Palestinian rights. Israel and its lobby see the strengthening solidarity between Palestinians...

US congresswomen targeted by Trump: ‘We will not be silenced’

Four Democratic congresswomen call Trump's racist tweets a 'distraction', instead focus attention on issues. Al-Jazeera  /  July 16, 2019 Washington, DC - The four Democratic congresswomen who were attacked by US President Donald Trump in racist tweets over the weekend said on Monday they will "not be silenced", and instead turned their attention...