[the never-convicted Israeli war criminal] Moshe Ya’alon warns for the Israeli drift towards a sort of Jewish supremacy, which he described as a ‘Mein Kampf in reverse’

Muhammad Shehada

X  /  April 8, 2023

Extremely important! Israel’s right-wing ex-Minister of Defense, Moshe Ya’alon, sheds light on Israel’s most dangerous government and the supremacist ideology of its Finance & Security Ministers. Listen to every word to understand the ongoing escalation!


JewishVoiceForLabour op X: ‘Ya’alon talks about ‘Mein Kampf in reverse’ to describe the extremism of the rabbi who inspires Ben Gvir and Smotrich. Does this mean Ya’alon is an antisemite or is he given a free pass not available to supporters of equal rights for all who live in Israel/Palestine?’ / X