Strike two: SJP Rutgers – New Brunswick suspended (again)

Students for Justice in Palestine  /  September 1, 2024

Rutgers University has suspended the New Brunswick SJP chapter for the entire upcoming academic year. We recognize this as an act of repression and anti-Palestinian racism, and therefore refuse to adhere to the guidelines of the suspension.

Editor’s Note: Students for Justice in Palestine–Rutgers New Brunswick released the following statement on August 27, 2024 after the university suspended the student group for the entire upcoming school year.

The Students for Justice in Palestine at Rutgers University– New Brunswick has learned that it is suspended, again, until July 2025. Admin has made this decision after we expressed our clear discomfort with the continuous biased attacks by the student conduct team toward Palestinian and Pro-Palestinian students after October 7th. We subsequently decided to boycott any meetings to discuss our targeted charges, forgoing our ability to appeal our suspension in protest against Admin’s sham conduct hearings and clear display of contempt for its Palestinian students. Rutgers University was the first public university to suspend its Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapter on December 12th, 2023. Our SJP was proud to announce our reinstatement after the massive “We Are All SJP” campaign under the Endowment Justice Collective coalition in January. We are calling on the Rutgers Administration to hold themselves accountable for their McCarthyism and anti-Palestinian racism as we officially declare this their Second Strike. 

On July 5th, 2024, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) received a letter from the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution Services notifying us that we have been suspended until July 4th, 2025. Once again, we recognize this as an act of repression and anti-Palestinian racism, and therefore refuse to adhere to the guidelines of the suspension. The Rutgers Administration has deemed us responsible for the following: 1) Disruptive or Disorderly Conduct, 2) Failure to Comply with University or Civil Authority, and 3) Non-Compliance with Other University Policies.

Disruptive or disorderly conduct

In regards to Rutgers’ first allegation, we understand that the Rutgers Adminstration is attempting to maintain the regular operations of the University despite its involvement in the current genocide being committed in Gaza. We adamantly reject any status quo that includes the slaughter of our people, friends, and family. With this decision, the Rutgers Administration attempts to shift the focus of the genocide away from the Zionist-inflicted horrors, to which it is complicit, whilst instead choosing to target the Students for Justice in Palestine who seek justice. Our families and loved ones in Gaza are constantly being disturbed by airstrikes and massacres from the Israeli occupation, meanwhile the Rutgers Administration is concerned with preserving the status quo that threatens to unravel the fabric of our humanity by profiting off of Palestinian suffering through our endowment fund. The Rutgers Administration’s definition of disturbance is rooted in an anti-Palestinian bias and is blind to the reality of the Palestinian people in Gaza.

Failure to comply with university or civil authority

Rutgers claims that we have exhibited “failure to comply with legitimate directives of authorized university officials.” Admin, and specifically Holloway’s, unwavering support of Israel despite its own failure to comply with international human rights laws makes our charges seem insignificant and irrational. Rutgers funds the destruction of universities in Gaza while putting pressure on its students to go back to what they view as “normal.” But let it be clear: there will not be any sense of normalcy on campus for as long as Rutgers continues relations with Israel. We will continue to resist the institutional repression that comes with holding Rutgers accountable for their immoral practices. Until Rutgers divests from Israel and severs all ties with entities that support genocide and apartheid, we will continue to challenge the administration and mobilize our community. The fight for justice and liberation is not just a temporary campaign but a long-term struggle that we are prepared to see through to the end.

Non-compliance with other university policies

As discussed before, policies surrounding conduct are a cheap attempt to pacify our calls for an end to complicity in genocide. While Rutgers deems our behavior as non-compliant with University policy, it simultaneously rejects its own. In Rutgers’ 40.2.14 Investment Policy, an advisory statement says “that [the university’s] concerns extend beyond our campuses and that the research, teaching, and service of the University addresses problems so as to benefit citizens locally, regionally, nationally and globally.” Giving $1.98 billion to companies that aid the state of Israel in genocide violates this policy, and highlights the historical lack of our University’s ethical and moral compass. A properly working one would lead you to liberation, Rutgers.

We would like to clarify to the Rutgers Administration and our community that the work of SJP extends beyond our university’s ability to recognize us as a valid student organization. Our work is deeply rooted in the anti-Zionist movement that has existed for decades, and our work will not cease until we see liberation. This is not a call for, nor a request to, the Rutgers Administration to see SJP as a valid student organization. This is a promise that we will not stop until Rutgers divests from all corporations complicit in genocide.

This is the university’s second strike, and we are committed to ensuring matters on campus do not return to “business as usual”. We will not stand by as our university remains complicit in the face of this brutal genocide. We bear witness to Rutgers’ affiliation with the war crimes of Israel. Rutgers, this is strike two.

Until Liberation,

Students for Justice in Palestine at Rutgers – New Brunswick