onderstaande NPK-info’s zijn verschenen op:
Zaterdag 5 mei 2007, bevrijdingsdag, in de Doelen in te Rotterdam
—– Original Message —–
in peace negotiations.He added that the Israeli government had failed to constructively address the four most recent Palestinian initiatives, namely (a) the formation of the new national unity government with a flexible political platform; (b) the Arab peace initiative for a comprehensive, complete solution; (c) the Palestinian proposal for complete cessation
of all forms of violence through a mutual, reciprocal ceasefire agreement, and (d) the Palestinian proposal for a prisoner swap in exchange for the Israeli soldier captured in Gaza in June 2006.The Minister emphasised that Israel’s failure to address final status issues such as the borders of a future Palestinian state, the status of Jerusalem, the refugee issue, and the issue of settlements, which were due to have been resolved under the Oslo process by 1999 but have never been addressed as Israel refuses to discuss these issues in
violation of the Oslo agreement, betrayed the lack of a real Israeli partner for peace.By continuing talks with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas whilst bypassing the goal of final status negotiations he said, Israel was buying time to create irreversible facts on the ground. Dr. Barghouthi added that by evading the issue of final borders, Israel was seeking to substitute the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state with the idea of a self-governing authority within interim borders with jurisdiction over people, but not land, water or borders.
Dr. Barghouthi also focused on the continued use of Palestinian civilians, including children, as human shields by the Israeli military, the violent repression of peaceful protests against the Apartheid Wall by Israeli soldiers and border police, and the plight of more than 10,000 Palestinians currently being held in Israeli prisons.
Human Shields
The issue of the use of human shields, a practice frequently employed by the Israeli military, has been brought back into the media spotlight by a film recorded by a member of the Research Journalism Initiative. The footage clearly shows Israeli soldiers using two
Palestinian youths, one aged just 14-years-old, as human shields during an Israeli military invasion into Nablus last Wednesday, [1] a practice illegal under both the Fourth Geneva Convention and under Israeli law itself. [2]
The film can be seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqInB1Pvnhk
Dr. Barghouthi stressed that this was not an isolated incident but a systematic procedure that endangers the lives of Palestinian civilians. Nineteen-year-old Nidal Abu M?khisan was killed in this way on 14 August 2002. [3] He called the incident a war crime, and labelled the suspension of the commander in charge of Operation Hot Winter by the Israeli military in response to the issue as mere “window-dressing,” adding that the Israeli military has continued using human shields despite an Israeli Supreme Court ruling in October 2005 forbidding the practice.
Violent Repression
The Minister also showed a film recorded at yesterday’s weekly peaceful protest against the construction of Israel’s Apartheid Wall in a village south of Bethlehem, at which peaceful protests were met with violent repression by the Israeli military and border police, who can be seen beating and kicking a group of Palestinian, Israeli and international protesters, without provocation. The film was yet one more example of the aggression with which Israel responds to non-violent protests against construction of its Wall, which was declared illegal under a ruling by the International Court of Justice in The Hague in July 2004.
The film can be seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqInB1Pvnhk
In the run-up to Palestinian Prisoners Day on 17 April, Dr. Barghouthi also focused on the fate of the 10,400 Palestinians currently being held in Israeli jails in contravention of Article 76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. [4] Of these:
86 percent are from the West Bank
7 percent are from the Gaza Strip
7 percent are from Jerusalem
4,430 (44 percent) have been sentenced by Israeli military tribunals
611 (14 percent) have been sentenced to 50 years or more in prison
4,575 (46 percent) have not undergone trial
950 (10 percent) are being held in administrative detention
7 (0.7 percent) have spent more than 25 years in prison; 3 have spent
29 years or more in prison
376 are children under the age of 18
5,000 children have been arrested since 2000
600 are women who have been arrested since 2000
118 women prisoners are currently in Israeli jails
40 are members of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), including
the Head of the PLC
95 percent of Palestinian prisoners have reported being subjected to
various forms of torture
183 Palestinians have died in prison
69 died due to torture
42 died due to medical negligence
1,000 are suffering from chronic diseases
200 suffering from serious health conditions
72 Palestinians were assassinated following their arrest
[1] The dialogue between the cameraman and the Israeli soldier can be
clearly heard, in which the cameraman questions the use of the two
youths as human shields:
Cameraman : I want to ask you, are these men being detained?
Soldier : Yes.
Cameraman : You can’t use them as human shields, this is a war crime.
You know that, right?
Israeli soldier : They’re not human shields.
Cameraman : They’re standing in front of your jeep. That’s not a
human shield?
Solider : No.
Cameraman : How is that not? You’re using them to protect you from stones.
Soldier : We asked them to speak with their friends to stop throwing stones.
Cameraman : Then why are they standing here? This is illegal, you know this.
Soldier : [Shuts jeep door, ending discussion]
[2] Article 28 of the Fourth Geneva Convention states that “The presence of a protected person may not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations.” Under Article 4 of the Convention, protected persons are defined as “those who, at a given moment and in any manner whatsoever, find themselves, in case of
a conflict or occupation, in the hands of a Party to the conflict or Occupying Power of which they are not nationals.”
[http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/92.htm]; In a ruling by Israeli
Supreme Court on 6 October 2005, Judge Aharon Barak stated that “You cannot exploit the civilian population for the army’s military needs, and you cannot force them to collaborate with the army.” The ruling came in response to a petition filed by seven Israeli-registered human rights organisations to the High Court of Justice against the use of Palestinians as human shields. See the petition here:
http://www.btselem.org/english/Press_Releases/20020814.asp. [4] Article 76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention states that:
“Protected persons accused of offences shall be detained in the occupied country, and if convicted they shall serve their sentences therein.” [http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/92.htm].
Kirsten Sutherland
Media & Advocacy Officer
Palestinian National Initiative
P.O Box 1351
Tel: +972-546-514675
Fax: +972-2-2985917
E-mail: kirsten@almubadara.org
Web: http://www.almubadara.org/new/english.php
de 2 staten oplossing in het licht van de actuele ontwikkelingen.
Met ervaringsdeskundige Jan de Jong
Poortgebouw Stieltjesstraat 38 Rotterdam
There is no Substitute for the Return to our Homes, May 14, 2007, National Committee
Na succesvol Palestinacongres op 5 mei veel positieve pers, zoals
—– Original Message —–
Palestinian Ministry of InformationRamallah, 21-05-07: The Israeli army attacked 5 TV and 2 radio stations in Nablus, in the West Bank in the early hours of this morning. At 2am, soldiers invaded the premises of the 7 private media outlets and seized computers, broadcasting equipment, archives and files. The TV stations Afaq, Nablus, Gamma, Assia and Sana, as well as 2 radio stations, are now effectively shut down.According to Palestinian law, media outlets must be licensed by the Ministry of Information and operate under its laws and regulations.
The Minister of Information, Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi, confirmed that these 5 TV stations and 2 radio stations were fully licensed, and were law-abiding. He strongly condemned these Israeli attacks aimed at ?silencing Palestinian voices on the conflict and destroying
Palestinian freedom of the press?.Freedom of the press is a fundamental human right and an essential component of democracy. By forcibly shutting down private media outlets over which it has no authority, Israel has yet again shown that it does not believe in democracy and actively opposes freedom of the press.This is just one more aspect of a wider and long-term strategy by the Israeli government to impose its own narrative as the only legitimate representation of the conflict, to cover up its violations of international law and mislead world opinion with claims of ?security
reasons?. These direct attacks against the Palestinian media and journalists are part of the war of information Israel is waging against Palestinian democracy.
Kirsten Sutherland
Media & Advocacy Officer
Palestinian National Initiative
—– Original Message —–
Palestinian Minister of Information Beaten By Israeli Soldiers
Ramallah, 20-05-07, 15:40: Palestinian Minister of Information, Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi, was assaulted by Israeli soldiers today during a peaceful protest against the confiscation Palestinian lands by the Israeli military near the village of Artas in the Bethlehem District.
Dr. Barghouthi, a veteran leader of the non-violence movement in Palestine, had been holding a press conference at the demonstration, which was organised to peacefully protest the destruction of an apricot and date orchard belonging to the Abu Swai family.
Once the conference was over and once most of the press had left, approximately 50 Israeli soldiers arrived at the scene and began beating protesters with batons and with their fists. Dr. Barghouthi was beaten over the back with a baton and sustained moderate injuries.
More details, and video footage of the beating are to follow.
According to the International Solidarity Movement, approximately 4,000 dunums of land belonging to the villager of Artas is being confiscated by the Israeli military in order to construct another segment of the Apartheid Wall and to allow for the expansion of the
nearby Efrata settlement. Sewage pipes will be laid under the land belonging to the Abu Swai family which will pump the Efrata settlers’ sewage onto other fields of lettuce and parsley belonging to villagers of Artas some 150 metres away.
Kirsten Sutherland
Media & Advocacy Officer
Tel: 0546-514675
PERSBERICHT: Bazaar #3 The War On Error vindt plaats op 1 en 3 juni
Zondag 3 juni, Melkweg 17.00 – 20.00 uur
Melkweg Lijnbaansgracht 234a Amsterdam
Zaal open 16.45 uur
Entree: 5 euro
Reserveren via Aub uitburo 0900-0191 (0,40 cent p/m)THE WAR ON ERROR: ALTERNATIVE VIEWS FROM THE MIDDLE EAST
Bazaar # 3 is de ontmoetingsplek voor iedereen die verder wil kijken dan het Midden-Oosten; voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in democratie en mensenrechten in Afghanistan, Irak en Libanon, frontlinies in de wereldwijde War on Terror; voor iedereen die wil horen over verandering van onderop én van bovenaf.Op vrijdag 1 juni op het Leidseplein te Amsterdam staat om 16.00 uur het wrak van de auto, gebruikt voor de bomaanslaag van 5 maart op de Mutanabbi boekenmarkt in Bagdad, met statements van Abdelkader Benali (schrijver), Femke Halsema (GroenLinks), Chris Keulemans (schrijver), Bahram Sadeghi (Jakhals in De Wereld Draait Door) en Jonas Staal (kunstenaar).
Daarnaast is er een expositie met foto’s uit Irak van Magnumfotograaf Geert van Kesteren en het single issue Magazine Zoom in Zoom out over cultural politics en het Midden-Oosten: de ontmaskering van clichés, met verhalen, kaarten, design en fotografie met tekstbijdragen van onder andere Rami Khoury, Robert Fisk, Amirali Ghasemi, Stefano Boeri.
Zie voor het volledige programma www.waronerror.nl en www.melkweg.nl of neem contact op met Aysel Sabahoglu asabahoglu@groenlinks.nl
Bazaar #3 wordt georganiseerd door het Wetenschappelijk Bureau GroenLinks, Hivos, IKVPaxChristi en Partizan Publiek in samenwerking met IPP Global.
Gister protesteerde het NPK bij monde van Kees Wagtendonk fel bij de NOS over de wijze van verslaggeving door Harald Doornbos omtrent Nahr el-Bared.
Doornbos meldde na het nieuws van halfeen dat het de eigen schuld van de plm. 10.000 in Nahr el-Bared achtergebleven Palestijnse vluchtelingen was als hen iets zou overkomen
Vanavond 2 juni Palestina-muziekfestival in Bitterzoet, Spuistraat 2 te Amsterdam (vlakbij CS), zaal open vanaf 20 uur!
Muziek door Hanien en Doc Jazz.
Entree 7,50 Euro.
Noodhulp Nahr el-Bared in Libanon
(Zie http://www.stopoorlog.nl/content/view/108/31/lang,/)
Het vluchtelingenkamp Nahr el-Bared in Noord-Libanon is momenteel het toneel van geweld en beschietingen. De strijdende partijen vechten over en weer over de hoofden van de inwoners. Wederom zijn de burgers de dupe.
Onder de Palestijnen heeft het geweld een grote stroom vluchtelingen opgeleverd. De angst voor escalatie is bij de bewoners van Libanon groot. Coalitie Stop de Oorlog roept op tot spoeddonaties aan de slachtoffers via een nieuw gironummer.
Doneer op gironummer 5579294 t.n.v. het Nederlands Palestina Komitee in Amsterdam, o.v.v. Noodhulp Nahr el-Bared
Geweld in Libanon
Het vluchtelingen kamp Nahr el Bared in Noord-Libanon is momenteel het toneel van geweld en beschietingen. De strijdende partijen vechten over en weer over de hoofden van de inwoners. Wederom zijn de burgers de dupe. De angst voor escalatie van het geweld bij de inwoners van Libanon is groot. De angst voor weer een burgeroorlog. Tegelijkertijd heeft de situatie een grote stroom Palestijnse vluchtelingen opgeleverd.
De strijdende partijen zijn Fatah al-Islam en het Libanese leger. Overigens houdt Fatah al-Islam zich schuil in het Palestijnse vluchtelingen kamp Nahr el Bared, maar maken Palestijnen geen deel uit van de organisatie. Het Libanese leger mag de Palestijnse vluchtelingen kampen niet binnen, maar beschiet het kamp van een afstand.
Inmiddels zijn veel Palestijnse vluchtelingen – die al decennia lang in een Libanees vluchtelingenkamp woonden, nadat ze uit hun eigen land verdreven waren – wederom op de vlucht. Naar schatting verblijven er nog ongeveer tienduizend mensen in het Nahr el-Bared kamp. Mensen die door ouderdom of immobiliteit of uit angst voor beschietingen niet kunnen vluchten. Hulporganisaties kunnen maar moeilijk het kamp in.
Vele duizenden zijn echter gevlucht en hebben onderdak gevonden in het naastgelegen kamp Baddawi. Hier is het aantal inwoners in een klap verdubbeld, waar de infrastructuur totaal niet op berekend is. De nood is er hoog.
Inmiddels komt de noodhulp langzaam op gang. Een aantal NGO’s dat werkzaam is in het veld heeft de krachten gebundeld en werkt samen aan de noodhulp. Inmiddels is een aantal voedselpakketten gedistribueerd, maar er is nog veel behoefte aan allerlei zaken, zoals medicijnen en sanitaire voorzieningen. Het ontbreekt aan toiletten en wasgelegenheid, wat niet alleen onaangename situaties oplevert, maar ook het risico op ziekten met zich meebrengt.
Nahr el-Bared Relief Campaign heeft een klein kantoortje opgezet, waar samen met de NGO’s coördinerende werkzaamheden plaatsvinden en inventarisaties worden gedaan.
Op het Palestina-muziekfestival in Bitterzoet op 2 juni zal speciale aandacht worden gevraagd voor het nieuwe noodhulp nummer. Een deel van de opbrengsten van de nieuwe Doc Jazz CD zullen worden gedoneerd.
Coalitie Stop de Oorlog heeft met hulp van het Nederlands Palestina Komitee een speciaal noodnummer opengesteld voor de slachtoffers in Noord-Libanon. Er is direct contact met de hulpverleners in het veld. Het geld zal beschikbaar worden gesteld aan deze NGO’s, die gezamenlijk beslissen waaraan de meeste behoefte is. In eerste instantie zullen dat sanitaire voorzieningen zijn.
Geld kan worden overgemaakt op gironummer 5579294 t.n.v. het Nederlands Palestina Komitee in Amsterdam, o.v.v. Noodhulp Nahr el-Bared.
Zie ook:
http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article6931.shtml (Robert Fisk)
http://www.lfpm.org/forum/showthread.php?t=26474 (Seymour Hersh)
www.stopoorlog.nl met www.palestina-komitee.nl