Morocco bans anti-normalisation protest

Mohammad Ayesh

Middle East Eye  /  December 14, 2020

Local sources have said that Moroccan authorities in the capital Rabat refused to authorise an anti-normalisation demonstration scheduled for Monday in front of parliament, Al-Quds al-Arabi has reported.

Six Moroccan associations have issued a joint statement describing the move as a “dangerous development”.

The associations said they considered that “the official Maghreb, Arab and African regimes are providing free services to the Zionist entity (Israel) at a time when it should have become necessary to impose international sanctions and isolate it”. 

On Thursday, Morocco’s King Mohammed VI announced that official bilateral ties and diplomatic relations with Israel were to be established “as soon as possible,” according to a statement issued by the royal court. 

The monarch stressed that this “does not in any way affect the permanent and sustained commitment of Morocco to advocate for the just Palestinian cause, and its constructive engagement for the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East”. 

Mohammad Ayesh is an Arab journalist currently based in London