Benjamin Netanyahu to decide on allowing US Congresswomen entry for occupation tour

Democratic US Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib have both been critical of Israeli policy The National  /  July 18, 2019 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is to make the final decision on whether to allow two US Congresswomen critical of the country entry for a tour of the occupied West...

Iran is not the aggressor – the U.S. is

If a war breaks out, it won’t be because the Trump administration “bumbled” into one. Khury Petersen-Smith Foreign Policy in Focus  /  July 15, 2019. It’s easy to be confused about what’s happening between the U.S. and Iran. On July 10, President Trump again accused Iran of violating the Obama-era nuclear deal, in a tweet...

Threat of demolitions in East Jerusalem

Houses to be demolished in Sur Bahir because of proximity to the Barrier OCHA  /  July 9, 2019 United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs  Sur Bahir (pop. 24,000) is a Palestinian neighbourhood in the south east of Jerusalem. Most of Sur Bahir is located within the unilaterally-annexed East Jerusalem...

Israel lobby groups hatch plan to divide the left

Ali Abunimah The Electronic Intifada  /  July 15, 2019 Influential Israel lobby groups are offering “rules” for how Jewish communal organizations can divide the left and break up emerging intersectional coalitions. They also advocate for “delegitimizing” Jews deemed too supportive of Palestinian rights. Israel and its lobby see the strengthening solidarity between Palestinians...

US congresswomen targeted by Trump: ‘We will not be silenced’

Four Democratic congresswomen call Trump's racist tweets a 'distraction', instead focus attention on issues. Al-Jazeera  /  July 16, 2019 Washington, DC - The four Democratic congresswomen who were attacked by US President Donald Trump in racist tweets over the weekend said on Monday they will "not be silenced", and instead turned their attention...

Can Iran’s shrewd diplomacy avert war with Washington ?

White House bullying and sanctions have succeeded in uniting an otherwise divided Iranian public behind the government. Roxane Farmanfarmaian The Nation  /  July 11, 2019 On Sunday, July 7, Iran declared that it was beginning to enrich uranium above the limit specified by the multilateral nuclear deal it signed in 2015 in...

Battle underway in Ireland over ban on settlement goods

Ciaran Tierney The Electronic Intifada  /  July 11, 2019 A battle is underway in Ireland to ensure that a ban on imports from Israel’s settlements in the occupied West Bank will not be vetoed. Legislation to introduce such a ban has received majority support in both houses of Ireland’s parliament, the Oireachtas. Yet the...

Why won’t the media criticize US interventionism?

Despite military involvement in 75 percent of the world, mainstream news outlets always stop short of calling out American aggressions. Tom Engelhardt TomDispatch.com  /  July 2, 2019 Headlined “United States Seeks Other Ways to Stop Iran Shy of War,” the article was tucked away on page A9 of a recent New York Times. Still, it...

Palestine Youth Orchestra: Crossing borders, giving hope for peace

Zoals u in de agenda ziet, treedt The Palestine Youth Orchestra op vrijdagavond 16 augustus op in het Concertgebouw Amsterdam. Op donderdagavond 15 augustus treedt het Orchestra samen met het Nationaal Jeugd Orkest op in Apeldoorn in theater Orpheus om 20:00 uur. Op woensdagmiddag 14 augustus spelen zij op de binnenplaats...

How long before Israeli embassies pop up in the Gulf ?

Tamara Nassar The Electronic Intifada  /  July 9, 2019 More than ever before, Gulf states are moving their decades-old clandestine relations with Israel into the limelight. Since the Saudi-led regional isolation and blockade of Qatar began in June 2017, there has been a big rise in overt displays of normalization with Israel, led by Saudi Arabia and followed...