The Palestinians resisting Israel’s threats of detention and death 

Asa Winstanley Middle East Monitor  /  September 11, 2019 Political prisoner Amir Makhoul has been released after almost a decade in an Israeli dungeon. He has given his first interview to the anti-apartheid activist, Adri Nieuwhof, who has been corresponding with him in prison all these years. Makhoul was the director of a Ittijah,...

Ziada case against Israeli Generals for Gaza war crimes heard in The Hague 17...

On the day of Israel's elections 17 September 2019 a Dutch court will be discussing the charges of war crimes against the opposition contender Benny Gantz, who was army Chief of Staff during the Gaza onslaught of 2014, as well as charges against then Air Force chief Amir Eshel. Ziada...

Palestinian with cancer dies in Israeli detention

Tamara Nassar The Electronic Intifada  /  September 9, 2019 Palestinian prisoner Bassam al-Sayih died in Israeli detention on Sunday after years of medical neglect. Al-Sayih, 46, from the occupied West Bank city of Nablus, died at the Yitzhak Shamir Medical Center in Tel Aviv but was held at the Ramle prison clinic...

The apartheid system in Hebron persecutes and subjugates Palestinians

Settlers openly brandish assault rifles while Palestinians can receive decades-long prison sentences for even carrying a knife. Jake Batinga Truthout  /  September 8, 2019 There are two roads leading to the Abraham Mosque in Hebron, Palestine. The roads are side by side, separated only by a fence and barbed wire. One of...

How Israel is sowing the seeds of war in South Sudan

Suraya Dadoo Middle East Monitor  /  September 6, 2019 In 2015 – two years after a devastating civil war broke out in South Sudan that pushed millions to the brink of starvation – the South Sudan government launched a multi-million dollar agricultural project called Green Horizon. The aim of the project...

The legacy of Israel’s first refuser

Alasdair Soussi The Electronic Intifada   /  September 4, 2019 Joseph Abileah is considered as the first person in Israel to go on trial for refusing to join its military. Appearing in a Haifa court a few months after Israel was founded in 1948, the violinist made clear that he would play no...

Netanyahu repeats pledge to annex Israeli settlements in occupied West Bank

Middle East Monitor  /  September 1, 2019 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu intends to annex Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, Reuters reported him as saying on Sunday, reiterating an election promise made five months ago but again giving no timeframe. Settlements are one of the most heated issues in the...

Gantz vows Israel will keep West Bank settlement ‘blocs’ and Jordan Valley

Middle East Monitor  /  September 3, 2019 Benny Gantz, chair of the main Israeli opposition alliance Blue and White (Kahol Lavan), declared yesterday that he would not pursue a unilateral withdrawal from occupied West Bank territory. According to the Times of Israel, Gantz made the remarks at a conference held by the...

Speaker of Knesset pledges to extend Israeli sovereignty over Hebron

Middle East Monitor  /  September 6, 2019 Speaker of the Knesset, Yuli Adelstein, pledged to impose Israel’s sovereignty over the city of Hebron (south of the West Bank). He said in comments to the news website 0404: “Hebron’s time has come, and it is time to impose Israeli sovereignty over the city....

Maariv: Israel involved in Yemeni conflict to serve ‘Saudi lover’

Middle East Monitor  /  August 27, 2019 A prominent Israeli commentator revealed that Israel has been intervening in the Yemeni war between the Houthis and other Yemeni forces to serve Saudi interests. Maariv’s security affairs commentator, Ran Edelist, said in an analysis he published on the newspaper’s website on Sunday: “Tel...