Israeli Mossad recognises assassination of Hamas leaders abroad

Middle East Monitor  /  October 12, 2019 Chief of Israeli Mossad, Yossi Cohen, acknowledged on Thursday the assassination of Hamas leaders abroad, Mishpacha, an ultra-Orthodox Israeli newspaper reported. In an interview with Mishpacha, reported by the Times of Israel, Cohen stated “there are more than a few assassinations, but the enemy has changed tactics,” noting...

Palestinian prisoner on hunger strike details mistreatment by Israeli soldiers

The National  /  October 12, 2019 Heba al-Labadi, 24, was detained in August while trying to attend a family wedding in the occupied West Bank Palestinians are taking to social media to condemn the Israeli detention of a 24-year-old Palestinian woman who has been on hunger strike for more than two...

Israel aims for non-aggression pacts with Gulf states

Tamara Nassar The Electronic Intifada  /  October 9, 2019 Israeli foreign minister Yisrael Katz revealed on Sunday that he is involved in an initiative to forge non-aggression pacts with Arab Gulf states. He said the effort had the backing of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “The historic move will put an end to the conflict...

Why Israel is struggling to find a way out of its political deadlock

Jonathan Cook The National – 30 September 2019 Likud, the Blue and White party and Yisrael Beiteinu are ideological bedfellows – but other fears have prompted a stalemate. It would be a grave mistake to assume that the continuing political deadlock in Israel – with neither incumbent prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu nor...

Israel has never had any intention of honouring either the 1947 Partition Plan or...

Thomas Suárez Middle East Monitor  /  October 10, 2019 A well-worn chapter of Israel’s creation myth explains its conquests thus: When in November 1947, the United Nations proposed partitioning Palestine into two states (General Assembly Resolution 181), Israel’s founders embraced the offer with gratitude, whereas the Palestinians scoffed at it and...

Bin Salman: ‘Help us take control of Middle East so that we can normalize...

Middle East Monitor  /  September 30, 2019 Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman has vowed to recognise and normalise trade with Israel if the United States helps him “defeat Iran and take control of the Middle East.” These statements, which were revealed by a documentary presented by PBS network, on Saturday, in the...

It’s still Netanyahu’s Israel

Douglas Gerrard Jacobin  /  September 30, 2019 Over the past decade, Benjamin Netanyahu has remade Israeli politics in his own image. Though his career now hangs by a thread, his legacy of far-right pandering and cold-blooded “management” of Palestinian oppression will live on. Last week, for the second time in six months,...

70 years of shooting refugees

Jake Batinga The Electronic Intifada  /  October 8, 2019 Since March 2018, weekly protests – known as the Great March of Return – have been held in Gaza. The demonstrators are insisting that people uprooted by Zionist forces during the Nakba – the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestine – be allowed to...

Hamas insists on simultaneous presidential and parliamentary elections

Middle East Monitor  /  October 9, 2019 The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, said on Tuesday that is it is insisting on presidential and parliamentary elections being held simultaneously. Other Palestinian factions agree with this, said the movement’s spokesman. “We call upon to announce his position regarding the initiative...

The impact on the ‘deal of the century’ of the measures to impeach Trump

Adnan Abu Amer Middle East Monitor  /  October 8, 2019 The Palestinians and Israelis are following the ongoing constitutional measures to impeach US President Donald Trump with great interest. They want to know what the implications will be for the so-called deal of the century; will, for example, its formal announcement...