UN: Israeli occupation costs Palestinians $48 billion

Middle East Monitor  /  December 2, 2019 A UN report found that the fiscal cost of Israeli occupation for the Palestinian people in 2000-2017 period is estimated at $47.7 billion, or three times the size of the Palestinian economy in 2017, reports Anadolu Agency. Mutasim Elagraa, an economist with the UN Conference on...

ICC under pressure to open investigation into Israel war crimes

Middle East Monitor  /  December 2, 2019 The International Criminal Court is coming under pressure from a group led by former ministers and professors of international law to open an investigation into possible Israeli war crimes in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Known as the Rights Forum, the group founded in 2009...

Pace of Israel’s demolition of Palestinian homes in Jerusalem ‘surges’ in 2019

Middle East Monitor  /  December 2, 2019 The pace of home demolitions by Israeli authorities in occupied East Jerusalem has “surged” in 2019 compared with previous years, reported Al-Monitor. Palestinian governor Adnan Ghaith – himself a frequent target of harassment by Israeli forces – told Al-Monitor­ that the demolition orders “are a means of...

Palestinians in Al-Khalil (Hebron) repeatedly attacked by Israel settlers, soldiers

Middle East Monitor  /  December 2, 2019 Palestinians in the Al-Harika neighbourhood of Hebron are being subjected to repeated attacks by Israeli settlers and soldiers, reported human rights NGO B’Tselem, as the organisation published details of five such documented attacks that took place from July to November. Al-Harika lies in the southern...

Israel delegation in UAE to check preparations for Expo 2020

Middle East Monitor  /  December 2, 2019 Israel’s Foreign Ministry said yesterday that an official Israeli delegation is visiting Dubai to attend a preparatory meeting for participation in Expo 2020, Quds Press reported. The ministry said in a statement posted on its Facebook page that the meeting which took place over the weekend...

Israel ambassador sends ‘GOOD LUCK’ message to Myanmar ahead of genocide hearings at the...

Foreign ministry admits tweets were ‘a mistake’ Samuel Osborne The Independent  /  November 28, 2019 An Israel ambassador tweeted a message of “GOOD LUCK” to Myanmar ahead of an international tribunal at The Hague over accusations the state committed genocide against its Rohingya Muslim minority. Ronen Gilor, the ambassador to Myanmar, wished the country’s leader Aung San Suu Kyi good luck...

Scars of freedom- video about Palestinian political prisoners

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=kNJtdfdvEh0&feature=emb_logo Addameer Association Scars of Freedom أثر القيد لا يزول The experience of arrest, interrogation and life in captivity carries political, economic and social dimensions that have a great impact on the Palestinian people, since the beginning of the occupation to the present day, the policy of arresting and incarcerating Palestinians has been...

Israel planning new settlement in flashpoint city – Al-Khalil / Hebron

Middle East Monitor  /  December 1, 2019 Israeli Defense Minister Naftali Bennett has approved the construction of a new settlement in the flashpoint West Bank city of Hebron, Anadolu Agency reports. In a statement, Bennet’s office said the defense minister had ordered the relevant offices within the ministry to “inform the Hebron municipality...

Israel: Palestinian lawmaker attacked by right-wing activists

Middle East Monitor  /  December 1, 2019 Ahmad Tibi, a member of the Knesset for the Arab Movement for Change, was attacked by right-wing activists Saturday while entering an event in the central city of Ramat Hasharon, Anadolu Agency reports. Tibi was called a terrorist and murderer by protesters who said he is not...

Ali Abunimah’s prophecy of Israel’s loss of legitimacy, 10 years after

Mondoweiss Editors   /  November 29, 2019 Ten years ago this week Ali Abunimah gave a landmark speech about Israel’s growing international delegitimization. at a Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions conference at Hampshire College in Massachusetts. A week later we published the text of the speech, but it seems in order to republish it today so as...