Luxembourg pushes for European recognition of Palestine

International Middle East Media Center  /  December 9, 2019  Luxembourg Foreign Minister, Jean Asselborn has urged his European Union counterparts to recognize a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as a response to US  support for the illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. “The recognition of...

Prospects for a formal ICC-investigation into the Palestine situation are nil

John Dugard The Rights Forum  /  December 9, 2019 Is there any prospect of an investigation into the ‘situation in Palestine’ under the watch of the present Prosecutor of the ICC, Fatou Bensouda? No, there is not, John Dugard explains, for reasons that might be considered shocking. I have a short and...

Congress can’t say “occupation”

Michael F. Brown The Electronic Intifada  /  December 11, 2019 Republicans voted overwhelmingly Friday for Israeli apartheid in the West Bank. They did so by voting against House Resolution 326 which backs the two-state solution and rejects Israeli annexation of the West Bank. While the so-called two-state solution may be defunct, Republicans’ silence on what would replace it suggests they’re...

Adalah: The illegality of Israel’s plan to transfer Palestinian Bedouin ctizens into ‘refugee displacement...

International Middle East Media Center  /  December 13, 2019 Israel is taking the first steps towards establishing refugee displacement camps to house tens of thousands of Palestinian Bedouin citizens of Israel whom it plans to “urgently” evict from their homes in unrecognized villages across the Naqab (Negev) region without even...

Haaretz: Israel gave Myanmar ‘tools’ to carry out Rohingya genocide 

Middle East Monitor  /  December 12, 2019 The Israeli newspaper Haaretz has highlighted the country’s “shameful role” in the Myanmar military regime’s “genocidal campaign” against the Rohingya Muslim minority, citing Tel Aviv’s arms sales to the South East Asian country and the two countries growing ties. An opinion piece by Charles Dunst yesterday criticised Israel’s...

Haaretz: Only 9% of Palestinian men in Israel complete degree

Middle East Monitor  /  December 12, 2019 New research has found that only 9 per cent of Arab men in Israel complete an undergraduate degree, Haaretz has reported. Referring to a study conducted by Herzilya Interdisciplinary Centre’s Aaron Institute for Economic Policy, Haaretz said the gap between Arabs and Jewish Israelis has widened, stating that...

Israeli AG [for the wrong reasons] warns Netanyahu of annexing Jordan Valley and West...

Middle East Monitor  /  December 11, 2019 Israeli attorney general, Avichai Mandelblit, on Tuesday warned the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, of annexing the Jordan Valley and West Bank settlements, Quds Press reported. According to Haaretz, Quds Press revealed that Mandelblit had informed Netanyahu that such measures “could lead to opening an international criminal investigation, relating to political and military Israeli...

Displacement of Negev (Naqab) Bedouin an ‘attack on dignity’

Megan Giovannetti Middle East Monitor  /  December 11, 2019 Israeli rights group Adalah, which seeks legal justice for Palestinian citizens of Israel, issued an in-depth report on 10 December breaking down the illegality of Israel’s recent advancement in the forceful removal of thousands of Bedouin in the Negev (referred to as ‘Naqab’ by...

Israel ‘discretionary spending’ on settlements up 50%

Middle East Monitor  /  December 5, 2019 The Israeli government has increased discretionary spending on settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory by 50 per cent over the last two years, reported the Jerusalem Post. According to data published by settlement watchdog Peace Now, so-called “discretionary spending” “is expenditure by various ministries outside...

Israel threatens to take military action against Iran

Middle East Monitor  /  December 11, 2019 Israeli foreign minister, Yisrael Katz, threatened on Tuesday to take military action against Iran, in order to undermine its efforts in obtaining nuclear weapons, Israeli media reported. According to Haaretz, Italy’s Corriere della Sera newspaper posed the question to Katz, “is bombing Iran an option that Israel is considering?” Katz’s...