In response to devastating US sanctions, Iran is choosing confrontation over surrender

Iran is gambling that Trump is afraid of war Tony Karon The Nation  /  July 25, 2019 What’s the point of having the world’s most powerful military if we never use it, then–Secretary of State Madeleine Albright is said to have shouted at Gen. Colin Powell in 1992, over his reluctance to...

Israel’s latest attempt to erase Palestine

Ilan Pappe The Electronic Intifada  /  July 25, 2019 The attempt to suppress official documentation of the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1948 is not new. But efforts by teams from the Israeli defense ministry to remove sensitive documents from Israeli archives – as reported by the Haaretz newspaper recently – must be understood in a...

Herbicide warfare against Gaza farmers

Maureen Clare Murphy The Electronic Intifada  /  July 23, 2019 Thousands of acres of Gaza farmland have been damaged by Israel’s aerial spraying of herbicide. (Forensic Architecture) Israel’s military propagandists are at it again. A video recently tweeted by COGAT, the bureaucratic arm of Israel’s military occupation, celebrates its efforts to teach Palestinian farmers...

US House of Representatives condemns boycotts for Palestinian rights

Josh Ruebner The Electronic Intifada  /  July 24, 2019 A nonbinding resolution passed by the US House of Representatives on 23 July foreshadows even more brazenly unconstitutional legislation to penalize and criminalize boycotts of Israel. The US House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a nonbinding resolution Tuesday evening condemning people for exercising their...

‘They celebrated, we cried’: Palestinian reacts to video of soldiers celebrating home demolition

https://www.youtube.com/embed/_oRYFSv9shI Yumna Patel Mondoweiss  /  July 23, 2019 Palestinians in Jerusalem, the West Bank, and across the diaspora are reeling after Israel conducted an unprecedented mass demolition of 10 buildings in the occupied East Jerusalem town of Sur Bahir on Monday. The demolitions gained widespread international media attention as videos surfaced of Israeli forces aggressively beating...

The demolitions in Wadi al-Humos (East Jerusalem): the excuse – security, the strategy – a...

B’Tselem Press release  /  July 23, 2019 This morning, Monday, July 22, 2019, the Israeli authorities began demolishing buildings in the neighbourhood of Wadi al-Humos, the eastern extension of Zur Baher in East Jerusalem. The move came after the Israeli Supreme Court rejected the residents’ appeal and ruled there was...

The transpartisan revolt against America’s endless wars

Katrina vanden Heuvel The Nation  /  July 16, 2019 Last week, mostly lost amid the deafening din of President Trump’s serial outrages, the House of Representatives finally began asserting common sense and the congressional prerogative over war and peace. By passing a series of amendments to the must-pass National Defense Authorization...

Palestinians do not trust the US, survey finds

Miriam Berger The National  /  July 4, 2019 The survey followed the US-led Bahrain economic conference last month, and also saw support rise for President Mahmoud Abbas Nine out of 10 Palestinians do not trust the US, a poll released on Wednesday by the Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research suggests. The...

Israel fights to reinstate Palestinian poet’s conviction

Oren Ziv +972 Magazine  /  July 18, 2019 Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour sat in prison for a poem she published on Facebook. After an Israeli court ruled that the poem does not constitute incitement to violence, the prosecution is now appealing the partial reversal of her conviction. Israel’s state prosecution is trying to appeal the partial reversal of the...

Don’t wait for Israeli archives to prove what Palestinians already know

Amjad Iraqi +972 Magazine  /   July 7, 2019 Israeli authorities are deliberately concealing historical documents to undermine evidence of the state’s dark and violent origins. And the world is still falling for it. The village of Safsaf (“willow” in Arabic) appears on page 490 of the newest edition of Walid Khalidi’s All That Remains,...