Let’s take a moment to remember the grandmothers who shape our lives

These women form the backbone of our communities, yet their contribution often goes unseen and unpraised Shelina Janmohamed The National  /  August 22, 2019 Last week, amid the tirades and pervasive trolling, the internet did something magnificent. It gave us a heartfelt celebration of those who shaped us but whose stories are...

Number of Palestinians displaced by Israel in 2019 already exceeds 2018 total

Middle East Monitor  /  August 23, 2019 The number of Palestinians displaced by Israeli occupation authorities in the first seven months of 2019 has now exceeded the total number of people displaced in all of 2018. According to new data published this week by UN OCHA, Israeli forces in the occupied Palestinian...

Lindsey Graham’s blank check – Why a defense agreement with Israel would be a...

Philip Giraldi Strategic Culture Foundation  /  August 22, 2019 Two world wars began because of unconditional pledges made by one country to come to assistance of another. On July 5, 1914, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany pledged his country’s complete support for whatever response Austria-Hungary would choose to make against Serbia after the...

East Jerusalem – living in fear of the bulldozers

Annelies Keuleers The Electronic Intifada  /  August 22, 2019 The setting sun painted the houses on the hills of East Jerusalem yellow. A few ducks and chickens scrambled around amid a seemingly random collection of items. The items had been rescued from Qusay Burqan’s house, demolished at the end of April when...

Israel soldiers who fled instead of opening fire at Palestinians suspended

Middle East Monitor  /  August 21, 2019 Four Israel soldiers have been suspended for failing to open fire at Palestinians at the Gaza fence on 1 August, Ynet News  reported on Monday . According to the Israeli news website, an investigation carried by the Israeli army into the incident found that “armed”...

The EU’s carrot-and-no-stick approach has only emboldened Israel

Riven with internal conflicts, the union has been reduced to the role of mediator between Israeli authorities and the Palestinian Authority. Ben White The National  /  August 15, 2019 When Israeli authorities last week approved plans for more than 2,000 settlement housing units in the occupied West Bank, the European Union was...

As things stand, the EU prohibition on relocating embassies to Jerusalem will fall on...

Talk of Moving UK’s Embassy in Israel Craig Murray consortiumnews.com  /  August 21, 2019 Following U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton’s talks with Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his ministers in London last week, the Foreign & Commonwealth Office has been asked to speed up contingency planning for the U.K. to move its embassy...

Trump: Jews who vote Democrat show ‘lack of knowledge or great disloyalty’

Brett Samuels The Hill  /  August 20, 2019 President Trump said Tuesday that Jewish people who vote for Democrats are either ignorant or disloyal as he railed against two congresswomen who have been critical of the U.S.-Israel alliance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmCbDPjNT9U "I think Jewish people that vote for a Democrat — I think it shows either...

Israel pushing Palestinians to leave Gaza

Maureen Clare Murphy The Electronic Intifada  /  August 19, 2019 Israel is actively encouraging and ready to facilitate mass emigration of Palestinians from Gaza, according to a senior government official. “Israel is ready to carry the costs of helping Gazans emigrate,” and would potentially use air force bases in Israel for that...

Congresswoman Tlaib’s statement on travel to Palestine & Israel

Palestine News Network  /  August 15, 2019 Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (MI-13) released the following statement regarding travel to Israel and Palestine: ”In my attempt to visit Palestine, I’ve experienced the same racist treatment that many Palestinian-Americans endure when encountering the Israeli government. In preparation for my visit, my grandmother was deciding...