COVID-19 Emergency Situation Report 8 (5-11 May 2020)

(Abed al-Hashlamoun - EPA)

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

Situation Overview

As of 11 May, some 547 Palestinians are confirmed to have contracted COVID-19 in oPt, including 172 in East Jerusalem, 355 in the remainder of the West Bank and 20 in the Gaza Strip. This is an increase of 15 compared to last week, with no new deaths recorded. In total, since the start of the epidemic, 382 cases have recovered.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health (MoH), since the onset of the pandemic, 42,417 laboratory samples have been tested. Some 14,875 Palestinians are in quarantine at home, or in designated facilities for monitoring purposes. The cumulative number of Palestinian in quarantine since the onset is 62,071.

The Ministry of Health (MoH) and the humanitarian community continues to address the critical gaps in supplies, including testing kits, personal protective equipment (PPE), ventilators and essential Intensive Care Unit (ICU) equipment. The State of Emergency across the oPt, originally declared on 5 March, has been extended again until early June. In both the West Bank and Gaza Strip, a decline in public observance of regulations is reported, and WHO continues to encourage people to adhere to the recommended measures, including physical distancing and personal hygiene measures.

In light of the negative impact of the prolonged lockdown on the Palestinian economy, the Government of Israel has agreed to transfer NIS 800 million to the Palestinian Authority (PA), as an advance on the tax revenues which Israel collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority. The money will be transferred in four monthly instalments, starting from the end of May.

On 11 May, the Humanitarian Coordinator for the oPt, along with the UNICEF Special Representative and the Head of the UN Human Rights Office, issued a joint statement expressing serious concern over the Israeli authorities’ continued detention of Palestinian children, who are placed at heightened risk of contracting COVID-19. The statement called for the immediate release of all children in detention, including Palestinian children, and a moratorium on new admissions into detention facilities.

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